Security Guard Jobs in Dubai

If you’re looking to get hired as a security guard in Dubai, it’s crucial that you know how to land yourself the best job possible. Security guard jobs in Dubai are incredibly popular, and there are lots of them available in the city.

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In fact, there are several security agencies that only hire new employees once or twice per year! That means you have lots of competition, but if you know how to set yourself apart from the rest of the crowd, you could find yourself with an enviable job opportunity on your hands – one that pays well and offers excellent benefits.

Working as a security guard in Dubai can be an exciting opportunity to live abroad, gain valuable work experience, and enjoy some excellent job perks and benefits.

 However, landing the perfect job requires careful planning to make sure you get the best security guard jobs in Dubai with the highest salary possible.

 Security guards are tasked with ensuring the safety of people, property, and information in their care, all while remaining unobtrusive and inconspicuous.

Though security guards need to be aware of the environment around them at all times, it’s important that they don’t draw attention to themselves if doing so would compromise the security of their charges or themselves.

 Achieving this tricky balance requires specific skills and knowledge, as well as specialized training that not every security guard will receive in the process of getting his or her job.

Job requirements:

EducationMiddle / Matric/ intermediate
LocationAbu Dhabi
Job industrySecurity job
Job typeContractor


2770 AED Pakistani 158000 rupees


  • Accommodation
  • Medical
  • Transport
  • Over time

How to Apply: 

There is a well-known website named indeed you can apply for this job by uploading your CV on this site
Click here:

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