Our team has searched for a number of jobs in Canada. The company is in seak of hardworking employees in different fields that are mentioned under. These jobs are taken by the official Canadian website. The company is not demanding any sort of previous experience from the employees. Although, the company will prefer those who have previous experience in the field in which they are applying.
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The jobs that the company is offering are following
- Securiry Jobs
- Office Jobs
- Labor Jobs.
No education or any sort of experience is needed for labor and Security jobs. The minimum height of a security guard must be 5.4 Feets. In case you are applying for Office jobs, you must have command over Powerpoint, excel, and typing. This Diploma of these are needed for these jobs.
For all these jobs you must have some sort of grip over the English Language. As all of your communication in Canada is gonna be in English.
To apply for more Canadian jobs visit Gobs taken by the official Canadian site
- Health Facilities
- Proper Accomudation
- Transport
- Medical Allownce
- Overtimes
- All facilitoies according to Canadian Law
Rules and Regulations
- Company will have right to increase or Dicrease number of Employees
- Company can limit/decrease pay package in case of less efficient
- We can transver the employees within Canada any time
- Company can terminate the contract in case of any sort of misconduct / Misbehaviore.
Pay packages
The company will pay Salary packages from 10 to 30 Dollars per hour. Depending on the work position of the employees. Overtimes will be other than the basic pay package.
To apply for these jobs you can send us details at our email. [email protected]
Our team collects jobs from other websites as well as famous Newspapers. These Jobs are taken by OFFICIAL CANADA WEBSITE